Buyers Guide: 6 of The Best Energy Supplements for Cycling
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- By James @ 360 Cycles
- Posted in Energy Supplements for Cycling
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Cycling can be a great way to get your daily exercise and reduce your carbon footprint, but it can also be tough on your body. That's why it's important to take the best energy supplements for cycling to help you ride safely and efficiently.
In this buyer's guide, we'll outline six of the best energy supplements for cyclists, from the ones that may already be in your fridge to those you might have to buy at the store, we want to find the one that's right for you.
1. Are Gels really the best energy supplements for cycling?
To help you stay healthy and energized during your workouts, you may want to consider using these as an energy supplement for cycling. There are many different types of supplements that can help you cycle successfully.
Arguably the best energy supplement for cycling is gel capsules, which can help cyclists quickly recover from low blood glucose or 'bonk' when their blood glucose levels drop too low for them to pedal effectively. With energy gels, they can also form a core part of an athlete's fuelling plan.
2. Supplement bars
Similar to Gels one of the main benefits of Eating Protein Bars is convenience. If you cannot get a meal in, then have a supplement bar, it will help to provide the body with enough protein and other nutrients that it wouldn't have gotten otherwise.
Supplement bars are undoubtedly one of the best energy and nutrition supplements for cycling as they are convenient to consume and can be full of protein, carbs and sugars, giving you a big boost while cycling. They also help you gain muscle and prevent hunger pangs while cycling.
3. Fruit
Just trust bananas. They are perfectly balanced to replace the electrolytes you have lost through sweat, particularly potassium as well as providing 25g-30g of carbohydrate to supply energy to our cycling muscles. Bananas are interesting in many ways, their Glycemic index (how quickly the sugar in the food absorbs into our bloodstream) changes as they ripen. They are also rich in vitamins A and C, folate, and resistant starch, a type of fiber your body can't absorb, so they keep you feeling full for longer. Bananas are an especially good pre-cycling source of fuel.
4. Protein Powder
Cycling can be a great way to get your daily dose of protein. However, you may not always have access to food when you are cycling. That's where protein powder comes in.
Protein powder is a great way to supplement your diet when you are cycling. It is high in protein, which means that it will help to provide your body with the essential amino acids that it needs.
There are many different types of protein powders on the market today. You should choose one that is suited for your cycling habits and your diet. Some of the best protein powders for cyclists include whey and casein proteins.
Protein powder is mainly great for muscle repair and recover. And this is especially important after endurance training such as cycling and when you have pushed your limits, which can result in muscle fatigue. For instant refuelling, you can go for protein powders. Quick and easy to use, and with plenty to choose from, you can be sure to find one that you’ll like. And don’t forget your shaker.
5. Creatine
Creatine is a key ingredient in many popular energy supplements for cyclists. This supplement is important because it helps to improve your cycling performance.
There are many different types of creatine supplements on the market, so it is important to choose the right one for your needs. Some creatine supplements are designed for athletes and others are designed for people who are looking to improve their muscle strength.
When choosing a creatine supplement, be sure to read the ingredients list. This list will tell you what other nutrients are present in the supplement, as well as any potential side effects.
Creatine supplements can be expensive, but they are worth it if you want to improve your cycling performance. If you are unclear about which creatine supplement is best for you, consult with a trusted health professional.
6. Vitamins, Minerals & Omegas
To make sure that you get the most out of your cycling experience, consider taking a multivitamin and mineral supplement before and during your ride. These supplements will provide you with the nutrients that your body needs to function at its best.
Some of the most popular multivitamins and mineral supplements for cyclists include:
Vitamin D: The Sun Vitamin
Research has shown that people have less-than-adequate levels of vitamin D. For most people, their diets do not have enough sources of vitamin D. The research found that fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, and tuna are good for sources of vitamin D; cheese and egg yolks are okay sources, and fortified milk is also a good source.
Vitamin C: The Immunity Booster
In order to achieve the recommended servings of fruits and vegetables every day, at least one food like citrus should be consumed. By consuming vitamin C on a daily basis, you can fight cardiovascular disease, keep your eyes healthy, and even prevent wrinkles.
Vitamin E: Better breathing
This antioxidant vitamin protects your cells. It also helps protect the cells in your muscles and lungs, which are especially subject to injury during intense cycling efforts. In addition, this vitamin appears to improve lung health and breathing capacity at altitude, if you're eating a low-fat diet.
Magnesium: The Food converter
This essential mineral is vital for healthy blood pressure and blood sugar, among other functions. Magnesium is used to process fat and carbs for fuel. It can be found in a variety of foods, such as green leafy vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds, and whole grains; fish, poultry and beef; chocolate.However, it is easy to lose magnesium through your diet.
Iron: The Oxygenator
Iron is what the body uses to create red blood cells, which carry freshly oxygenated blood to muscles. If you have a low iron count, you can develop anaemia; this will leave you chronically tired and hamper your performance. Women are more likely than men to become deficient because of menstruation. Very active people also experience this because they lose iron through sweat and the breakdown of their red blood cells.
- What are the best energy supplements for cycling?
There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best energy supplements for cycling will vary depending on your individual fitness level, cycling goals, and overall diet. However, some of the most popular energy supplements for cycling include caffeine, guarana, and B-complex vitamins.
- What are the benefits of using these supplements?
The benefits of using energy supplements for cycling vary depending on the product you choose. However, some of the common benefits include increased endurance and vigour while cycling, improved performance and decreased fatigue over time, and increased fat burn. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional prior to using any type of supplement while cycling, as some may have side effects that should be monitored closely.
- Is it healthy to have a protein bar every day?
Protein bars are a popular energy source for cyclists, and while they may be healthy in moderation, it is important to note that excessive consumption of protein bars may lead to muscle gain and weight gain.If a protein bar is your go-to snack, make sure you don't eat more than one a day. Protein bars can be useful to carry you throughout the day, but they should not be overused.
- What are the negatives of energy gels?
Some people experience an upset stomach and diarrhoea. This is because of the high concentration of caffeine, fructose or other sources found in these sports gels. Try warming up before taking any gels this lessens the chances of it happening.
- Can I drink protein shakes during cycling?
Drinking a protein shake before cycling can make you feel fuller during your ride because it has more calories than most drinks, and will give you an energy boost. But similarly to gels, they can be a lot for the some people's stomachs to process while on the move leading to cramps and diarrhoea.
- What are the best supplement brands available?
In store and online we have Clif Bar High 5 SIS Nutrition & Torq Sport Nutrition
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