Jagwire road sport brake inner pear cables slick stainless 2000mm sram/shimanoslick stainless pear inner cable, pre-stretched.
Suitable for all ordinary bikes with straight handlebarjagwire mountain sport brake inner barrel cables slick stainless 2000mm sram/shimano
Slick stainless inner barrel brake cable, 2000mm
Pre-stretched stainless steel gear inner cables. Suitable for all common gear systems.
Alternative for shimano l03a disc brake pads
Jagwire road brake blocks, standard compound, provide reliable and smooth braking performance for road bikes. Ideal for everyday use.
Box of 100 Jagwire Sport Slick stainless shift cables with crimps. Smooth shifting, durable, and corrosion-resistant.
Jagwire Internal Housing Dampener For Cable Housing 10 Meters Sheath