Products tagged with 12 inch tubes
Oxford Oxford Inner Tube Buggy Schrader Av 45-Angle 12 X 1.75-2.10
12 inch tube. Suitable for 12 inch kids bike tyres and 12 inch buggy tyres. 45 degrees angled valve for easier access.
Vavert Inner Tube Buggy Schrader Av-Straight 12.1/2 X 1.75-2.125
12 inch inner tube. Suitable for most of 12 inch tyres including buggy tyres.
Etc Inner Tube Buggy Schrader Av-45-Angle 12.1/2 X 1.75-2.10
12 inch tube suitable for kids bikes with 12 inch tyres or buggy wheels. Angled valve make it easy to access when pumping up.
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Nutrak Inner Tube Buggy Schrader Av 45-Angle 12 X 1.75-2.125
12 inch tube. Suitable for 12 inch kids bike tyres and 12 inch buggy tyres. 45 degrees angled valve for easier access.